This video was published on YouTube October 9, 2010

The clock in the background sits at about 1:20pm and two people in the video are in Chicago Bears shirts.

kid clock man

I wondered if, given the appaerel and the time on the clock, this video was filmed on October 3rd, 2010. That was the last time the Chicago Bears played before this video was uploaded.


The game beofore the October 3rd game was played on September 27th. This would have been the last Bears game the boys in this video would have seen. The Bears won this game. It made me think that the boys in the video might have tackled the camera to mimick the tackles of their heroes on the field.


Although The Bears won on September 27th, they lost on October 3rd, the day I suspect the "Here I come I am Cinnamon" video was filmed.

I wondered if the boys in the video had eaten some Apple Jacks cereal before it was filmed. The sugar mixed with the excitment of The Bears potentially winning again may have caused the perfect storm for this videos creation.

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The Bears not only lost on October 3rd, they also had significantly less tackles than their opponents, the Giants.

After crashing from the sugar and being let down by their heros, I predict that the boys were detered from making anymore content.
No video had been uploaded onto the boys channel until...
April 29th, 2023.

This new video isn't a nod to JakeTripplJ's origianl cult viral hit. It's the start of a new era.

Just like JakeTripplJ, Kellogs has moved on as well. Earlier this year they started phasing out their original mascots. Love it or hate it, the world changes.

kid clock

Just be glad you were part of the ride.

I found one of the boys on instagram and am waiting to verify my research.

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He replied to my message.

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We chatted for a bit. He says that he still talks to his friend from the video occasionally. (I originally assumed it was his brother). He graduted college in 2021 with a Computer Science major and a data science minor.

Data Courtesy of
Bears vs Packers
Bears vs Giants